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Empower Your Business

Achieve sustainable growth with expert guidance in strategic planning and operational excellence solutions.

Areas where we can help

No matter whether you're at the beginning of your business journey, or well established, or thinking of closing down, we can help.

A whiteboard with the words "start up" written on it
A whiteboard with the words "start up" written on it
Establishing New Business

Don't let the practical requirements for starting up a business sap your drive and passion. We offer targeted assistance in getting your new venture off the ground, allowing you to concentrate on the very things that made you start the business in the first place.

We can offer assistance with registration and incorporation of businesses at Companies House and the set up and implementation of financial, operational, quality and communication systems.

A consultant showing a client a plan with a graph
A consultant showing a client a plan with a graph
Enhancing Existing Business
A businessman offering his hand to shake
A businessman offering his hand to shake

Running a business is full of challenges, and often wearing too many hats reduces your efficiency. We can help you where you need it most, when you need it most. We offer focused support in just the right place, just when you need it.

We can offer a review and report on existing systems, highlighting areas requiring improvement or enhancement, with a view to create efficient, cost effective and lean processes.

Acquiring, Closing Or Selling A Business

When it comes to acquiring, selling or closing down a business, it can be tough.

We can assist with all tasks associated with business acquisition, including negotiations, valuations, and review of business viability.

We can offer a review and report on how to improve existing systems to provide a viable and slick operation, attractive to any would be buyer. Alongside assistance with business valuation and any resultant sale negotiations.

We can provide advice on cessation of trading, disposal of assets, along with step by step assistance on all necessary procedures.